Many executives and professionals from Mexico and Latin America have found Maine, with its friendly people and distance from any Spanish-speaking populations, to be the perfect place to study English in a total immersion environment. In this video, Rosario, an accountant from Mexico, talks about her experience in a 3-week intensive English immersion course at… Read more »

Posts Tagged: Camden
Learn English Prepositions with Photos
Who is the English language student’s enemy number 1? Prepositions. Prepositions are small but pugnacious, refusing to fade into the background. Prepositions laugh at translation (that’s laugh at, not laugh with, because it’s not a friendly laugh). Depende de in Spanish. De = of or from in English. So, it depends of the context, right? Wrong. It depends on… Read more »
English Immersion in Maine: Perspective Québec
Old Orchard Beach – for many, many generations of French speakers from the province of Québec, those three foreign-sounding words have meant sun, surf, sand, fried food, and fun family holidays on the beautiful coast of Maine. Beginning as long ago as 1842, even before there was a train connection between Maine and points south like Boston and… Read more »
Lobstering in Maine
A trip to Maine is not complete without a freshly steamed lobster dinner. And one of the many ways that Acadia Center for English Immersion students get to know more about life in our small town community on Maine’s rocky coast is by learning about lobsters and lobster fishing. One popular excursion is to the museum… Read more »
Lobster fishing excursion in Camden, Maine
English immersion students at Acadia Center practice their English while enjoying the maritime life of the Maine coast. Aboard the M/V Lively Lady, students learned about lobster fishing and saw lots of wildlife such as seals and osprey.
Check Out Our Facebook Page for Discounts, News, & Photos
Have you thought about dedicating two weeks or more to improving your English for your work and/or travel? Like the Acadia Center Facebook page to keep up to date on the latest news, photos, and discount offers! Throughout the year we offer flash discounts, so check back regularly. Register now for an intensive English course in… Read more »
Summertime in Maine
Warmer temperatures, ice cream cones, and cruising windjammers are all in evidence in our corner of New England as Acadia Center’s English immersion season gets underway.
Summer Immersion Courses Begin May 4
The time is right to join us in Camden, Maine, for an English immersion course that will help you reach your English learning goals while enjoying the company of other motivated professionals and executives from around the world.
Learning is Fun!
The small size of our school and the dedication of our teachers make an English immersion course at Acadia Center in Camden, Maine, a memorable learning experience. Register now for summer 2015!
Early Registration Discount
Register before January 26 to receive a 5% discount off the package price for an intensive English immersion course in Maine, USA. Join a group of motivated professionals who want to improve their English as rapidly as possible in a total immersion environment.